3 bathroom safety tips

The bathroom is a place to clean your body, teeth and hair. Depending on the time of day, a bathroom can get your blood pumping for the day ahead or wash away the worries of the day that was.

Keeping safe in the bathroom is everybody’s business – at all ages.

While there’s safety tips to know and practice, how your bathroom is designed can aid a lot in improving user safety, too.

Want to know 3 bathroom safety tips? Read more from the Perth bathroom renovations you can rely on, Navigate Bathrooms, to find out what more about safety in the bathroom.

Stay on your feet

According to a Queensland study, approximately 3700 injuries occur in the bathroom each year – and that’s only in Queensland!

Young children and the elderly are the most at risk of bathroom-related injuries, with the biggest culprit being falls. This is unsurprising as the bathroom floor can be notoriously wet and slippery.

So, how can you minimise bathroom falls risks for you and other users?

  • Lay slip-resistant floor mats in front of showers and baths.
  • Opt for rounded corners for benchtops and baths to reduce injury.
  • Keep your bathroom floors as clutter-free as can be with purposeful, accessible storage.
  • Make sure your tiles and their grout are maintained to enhance grip.

Navigate Bathrooms have a range of bathroom renovations packages to enhance the safety and flow of bathrooms.

Control the temperature

Some of us can handle hot water more than others. Others, generally the young and elderly are more susceptible to burns or other skin conditions brought on by excessively hot water.

What can you do to ensure hot (but not scalding) temperature?

  • Install an anti-scald valve for your bathroom fixtures.
  • Know that cast iron and steel bathtubs will stay hot (and might even get hotter) for longer than their acrylic bathtub counterparts.

Always test the water before having a shower or bath for yourself or for vulnerable people in your care.

Combat health hazards

There’s plenty of moisture in bathrooms due to high temperatures at least once, or a handful of times a day. With increased moisture comes the risk of a few potential health hazards, stemming from mould, mildew and even grout stains.

What should you do?

  • Keep your bathroom clean – you can follow easy, quick cleaning tips here.
  • Ensure the extractor fan is working and in an optimal spot.
  • Installing a better, bigger bathroom window to keep the air flowing freely.

Navigate Bathrooms have the innovative bathroom renovations services that see innovative, easy to clean materials and designs being used. This includes walk-in showers and frameless shower screens to name a few.

Creating healthy, safe bathrooms

Are you dreaming of a new bathroom that’s both stylish and has everybody’s needs in mind?

Navigate Bathrooms are the bathroom heroes you need for a bathroom makeover.

Our bathroom renovations are carefully designed, constructed with the latest and greatest styles, materials and finishes and can be customised to suit your needs.

Whether it’s to service a young or growing family or envisioned to serve you if or when your mobility declines – we’re in the business of creating beautiful and safely designed bathrooms.

Want to improve the safety of your bathroom? Contact Navigate Bathrooms today to make your bathroom dreams come true.

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